Wednesday, September 21, 2011

on the way...remember to fly a kite!

At a Sunday gathering two weeks ago, Jesus showed up in a little girl with her mom and dad who arrived carrying kites to fly.  Silently, I thought the kites looked strange--not because they were Strawberry Shortcake, Batman and a coloful kaleidescope.  The kites looked weird to me because it is September, not March!

Talk about being stuck in mindset and patterns of behavior--help me, Lord.  And He did!  A disciple spoke and insisted that I go fly a kite.  Silently grumbling and feeling anxious of looking the fool--I've never been able to get a kite up in the air--I picked up the Batman kite and started walking.  Walking, reluctantly, then a bit faster, a lite jog, when to my total surprise, there was a pull on the string and the kite was flying--not for a moment or two, but long and high and free.  People on the sidelines began to shout instructions:  let out the string...the string, let the strrriiinnng out it'll fly hiii--gher--eerr! 

Later, at home, the kite experience stayed with me until my spiritual sight soared higher.  Every church should go fly a kite!  I'm not talking about the usual meaning of that phrase--heaven knows there are enough churches who walk and talk a message of 'go away and leave me alone'.  If you don't believe me, consider this fact:  "A new decade-long survey of American congregations shows religious health and vitality are weaker than they were 10 years ago" (CNN link below).  Do I need to say more?  If I weren't a pastor, I'm not sure I would attend church and I LOVE the Church!

When I say churches should go fly a kite, I mean that we should listen to the Spirit who shows up and speaks through people like the three-year-old who loaned me a kite with Batman on it.  And when someone young or old invites us to play, we should get out of our pews and run.  If the young are going to prophesy and see visions and the old men and women dream dreams (Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28), we the church should pay attention and moooovvve!

If we want the church to be new and vibrant...if we want the church to be what Jesus intended...if we want the church to be fresh, open, flying high like its early decades...we need to listen to the children and literally go fly a kite!  

For the love of God, it's not about the pew-sitting and the standing--each done at the exact time and precise way.  It's not about the perfectly maintained carpet or even the cross on the wall.  It's about free and full expression of our love for God and our love for all others.  It's about a Christ-centered relationship we share with all (ALL) people, the world over.  It's also about the cross in our hearts, the one that bends us low to serve and carries us high with joy in the Jesus who claims and perfects us as His own.

At Stepping Stone, we've decided to fly more kites.  We're eager to see how it evolves, but at least three Sundays per month, there will be an intentional time of physical and spiritual interaction--children, youth, adults.  We believe that's one gift we need in American culture--more time together, listening to one another and playing together in the Spirit that breathes life into our space and experience.  The article quoted above includes some good news:  "In the measured decade, churches, temples and synagogues told surveyors that congregations that were innovative and contemporary showed the highest amount of "high spiritual vitality."

Regardless of our age--people or churches--we can all aim high.  Go fly a kite!

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